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Reference Coordinating Council Meeting - 6/11/24

Salem, Ore - Oregon’s Reference Coordinating Council will meet virtually on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. The meeting will begin at 2:00 p.m. This is a public meeting; those who would like to attend should contact Wendy Cornelisen (wendy.cornelisen@slo.oregon.gov, 971-375-3992).

The Council will use this time to conduct Council business. Questions or concerns can be addressed to Wendy Cornelisen (wendy.cornelisen@slo.oregon.gov, 971-375-3992).

Sign language interpretation will be provided for the public if requested 48 hours before the meeting; notice 72 hours before the meeting is preferred. Handouts of meeting materials may also be requested in alternate formats. Requests may be made to Wendy Cornelisen (wendy.cornelisen@slo.oregon.gov, 971-375-3992).


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