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LSTA Advisory Council Meeting, 11/2/23
October 16, 2023


Salem, Ore - Oregon’s Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Advisory Council will meet virtually, Thursday, November 2, 2023. The online meeting will begin at 11:00 a.m. This is a public meeting; those who would like to attend should contact Tamara Ottum (tamara.ottum@slo.oregon.gov, 971-375-3543).

The Council will use this time to conduct Council business, hear reports of subcommittees, and review grant reports. Questions or concerns can be addressed to Buzzy Nielsen (buzzy.nielsen@slo.oregon.gov, 971-375-3486).

Sign language interpretation will be provided for the public if requested 48 hours before the meeting; notice 72 hours before the meeting is preferred. Handouts of meeting materials may also be requested in alternate formats 72 hours before the meeting. Requests may be made to Tamara Ottum (tamara.ottum@slo.oregon.gov, 971-375-3543).


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