Tammy Baney Appointed Chair of Oregon Transportation Commission
Governor Kitzhaber today announced that Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) member Tammy Baney will serve as Chair. Her appointment begins immediately. The Governor will name an additional member in the coming weeks.
“I look forward to working with Tammy on statewide transportation policy and a potential transportation package in this upcoming legislative session,” Governor Kitzhaber said. “She is a proven leader who cares about Oregon's communities and ensuring we have a modern, safe, efficient transportation system for the 21st century.”
Baney was first appointed to the Oregon Transportation Commission in 2011. In addition to her work on the Oregon Transportation Commission, Ms. Baney has been a Deschutes County Commissioner since 2007, where she served three years as Chair. She has also served on the Local Public Safety Coordinating Council and the Family Law Advisory Committee. In 2010, Governor Kulongoski appointed her to the Oregon Housing Council.
The Oregon Transportation Commission establishes state transportation policy. The Commission also guides the planning, development, and management of a statewide integrated transportation network that is safe, provides efficient access and enhances Oregon's economy and livability. The Governor appoints five commissioners, ensuring that different geographic regions of the state are represented.