Key education bills pass House
(Salem, OR) — Governor Kitzhaber released the following statement after passage of HB 3231, HB 3232, HB 3233 and HB 3234:
“The revitalization and restoration of public education in Oregon isn't just about a K-12 budget number. It is about making smart, strategic investments that give us the greatest leverage for improvement, including kindergarten readiness, third grade reading proficiency, high school completion, STEM, workforce readiness, and teacher effectiveness. We're also aligning early learning and youth development programs from multiple agencies, establishing the Early Learning and Youth Development Divisions within the Department of Education to ensure young Oregonians have the supports they need and are entering kindergarten ready to learn and youth have the supports they need to be successful. I applaud the House for passing this important legislation.”
Media Contact:
Tim Raphael, 503-689-6117
Amy Wojcicki, 503-689-5324