Governor Kitzhaber applauds House for passage of Public Safety Bill
(Salem, OR) — Governor Kitzhaber today released the following statement as a supermajority of the Oregon House passed House Bill 3194, a bill to improve Oregon's public safety system.
“I commend the House for its passage of comprehensive public safety reform,” said Governor Kitzhaber. “The bill is consistent with the goals I set for the Commission on Public Safety and will help the state hold prison beds flat for at least the next five years, generate savings of almost $17 million this biennium, and allow for reinvestment in community corrections and local public safety priorities that are our best hope to reduce corrections costs over the long term. Now it is on to the Senate. I look forward to signing this important legislation.”
Media Contact:
Tim Raphael, 503-689-6117
Amy Wojcicki, 503-689-5324