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Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade Joins #TrustedInfo2024 Campaign, Urges Other Oregon Officials to Participate

Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade today joins fellow members of the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) in the #TrustedInfo2024 voter education effort to encourage citizens to look to election officials as the trusted sources of election information.

“Between prolific misinformation and endless sources of information, it’s easy to get overwhelmed,” said Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade. “I want to take this opportunity to remind Oregonians that Oregon’s elections officials are the best and most accurate source of election information. You can look to them to know that our elections are secure and reliable.”

The Oregon Elections Division is continuously updating its website, Oregonvotes.gov, with information and tools on:

How to register to vote and change your voter registration
How to submit your ballot in time to be counted and where you can do so
How you can track your ballot once it’s submitted to ensure it gets accepted
All the ways Oregon election officials keep your ballot safe and secure
Oregon’s election laws, rules, and regulations around petition initiatives, campaign finance, and more

Oregonians have been voting by mail for more than 20 years, meaning our elections officials have the benefit of 20 years of experience in administering accurate and secure elections.

“I’m joining Secretaries of State from around the country in the #TrustedInfo2024 campaign because our democracy is stronger when voters are informed with accurate information,” said Secretary of State Griffin-Valade. “I strongly encourage other Oregon leaders to join us and spread this message as we gear up for the 2024 election.”

    Secretary of State   |  Newsroom