Secretary of State Dennis Richardson Announces A New Tool to Keep Oregon Government Accountable
As part of Secretary of State Dennis Richardson’s ongoing efforts to increase transparency, accountability, and integrity in state government, he is launching a new type of audit report tomorrow.
“Our mission is to improve transparency, accountability, and integrity in Oregon government,” said Secretary of State Dennis Richardson. “We are launching new audit follow-up reports to make it easier for legislators, the press, and the public to hold agencies accountable for implementing audit recommendations. Accountable government benefits us all.”
Since taking office, Secretary Richardson has added one-page summaries at the beginning of each audit, improved the readability and usefulness of audit reports, and created a new format for agency responses. For over a year, Secretary Richardson has asked audited agencies to list whether they agree or disagree with each audit recommendation and, for the recommendations with which they agree, to include a target implementation date and the name and phone number of a specific contact person. To further increase accountability, the Audits Division will begin issuing follow-up reports on agency progress (or lack of progress) toward implementing audit recommendations.
The first follow-up report will be released tomorrow.
CONTACT: Debra Royal / Chief of Staff / 503-986-2361 /
Secretary of State