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ATV Grant Program accepting grant applications for ATV Recreation Projects

SALEM, Oregon— The All-Terrain Vehicle Program is currently accepting grant applications for projects that support or enhance ATV Recreation Opportunities. Letters of intent are due Jan. 6, 2025.

The ATV Grant Program provides funding statewide for off-highway vehicle (OHV) recreation. Grant funds come from ATV user permit sales and a percentage of the gasoline tax revenue. The program has about $1.2 million in grants available for this funding cycle.

Eligible applicants include:

  • Public agencies that have a responsibility of providing OHV recreation, including federal, Tribes and state agencies, local government (cities, town, counties) and Tribal governments
  • Registered non-profit OHV clubs
  • First aid and police service providers related to all-terrain vehicle recreation

Eligible projects include development, planning, land acquisition, emergency medical services, safety education, maintenance and law enforcement.

Information about the program, including the grant manual, application instructions and program schedule, is on the ATV Grant Program web page: https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/GRA/Pages/GRA-atv.aspx

Interested applicants must submit a letter of intent via the OPRD Online Grant System at https://oprdgrants.org by Jan. 6. Applications due Feb. 6. If approved, funding would be available beginning July 1, 2025. Please contact Ian Caldwell at (541) 410-5512 or Mike Law at (541) 991-1989 to discuss your project before submitting a letter of intent.


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