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Treasurer Read on Passing of Longtime Oregon Legislator, Peter Courtney: “His love for and dedication to Oregon was second to none”

Oregon State Treasurer Tobias Read released the following statement on the passing of former Oregon Legislator Peter Courtney:

“Oregon lost a giant today. Peter Michael Coleman Courtney’s love for and dedication to Oregon was second to none. His sometimes gruff exterior failed to conceal a deep passion for people and animals, and unrealized possibilities. While the tributes will rightfully talk about his loyalty to the Legislative branch and his long career of public service, his most lasting legacy will be the innumerable lives he touched. He wasn’t afraid to will Oregon forward with a unique combination of personality — irascible and occasionally coarse, humorous, compassionate, and loyal — and a single-minded determination to help the lives of all Oregonians. I will miss his wise and honest counsel. Today my heart goes out to his family. Thank you for sharing so much of Peter with “Oregon [our] Oregon.””


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