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Innovative Oregon Housing and Community Services funding program helps McMinnville Habitat create new homeownership opportunities

Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) joins McMinnville Area Habitat for Humanity in celebrating the completion of four new affordable homes in the Aspire Community Development and welcoming new homeowners.

These new three-bedroom, two-bath homes, plus a four-bedroom under construction, are the first to be built with support from OHCS’ Homeownership Development Incubator Program (HDIP), which aims to increase the supply of affordable homes by funding the construction of diverse and innovative housing types that meet the needs of local communities.

“The lack of affordable housing in Yamhill County is becoming critical,” said Katie Curry, executive director of the McMinnville Area Habitat for Humanity. “We typically build one to two houses a year, which we then sell to low-income homebuyers. In 2023, we received funding from OHCS to build five homes, and that is a game-changer for us.”

Hillary and Daniel Cuauxinque and their family are new residents at Aspire and are excited about all the benefits of homeownership.

"The best part of owning our home is simply having a home to call ours, a home where we get to create new memories and watch our children grow, a place where we have the freedom to make choices on what we would like our home to look like,” Hillary Cuauxinque said. “Most importantly, finally feeling a sense of stability and belonging."

For Alexandrea Moore, another new Habitat homeowner, it’s about putting down roots and passing along the stability of homeownership to her children.

“I saw somewhere that children of Habitat homes have a higher likelihood of owning a home themselves,” Moore said. “I want a place our animals can live, where plants grow, where neighbors become family, and years down the road, my grandchildren will come to visit. And when I am gone, there will be something left to pass on to my kids so they can live fuller lives.”

McMinnville Area Habitat for Humanity’s Aspire Community Development is one of eight projects awarded HDIP Development funds, which will lead to the creation of 84 new homes around the state.

“Congratulations to the new homeowners and McMinnville Habitat on this important progress,” said OHCS Executive Director Andrea Bell. “Many of us can see ourselves reflected in Hillary and Alexandrea’s story. It underscores what we know to be true about our shared values: investing in housing is an investment in student success, family stability and the economic health of our state.”

Photos courtesy of McMinnville Area Habitat for Humanity

Main caption: Hillary and Daniel Cuauxinque and her family have moved into their new home in the Aspire Community Development in McMinnville.

Second caption: Alexandrea Moore and her family have also recently moved into a new home at Aspire.

About Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) OHCS is Oregon's housing finance agency. The state agency provides financial and program support to create and preserve opportunities for quality, affordable housing for Oregonians of low and moderate income. OHCS administers programs that provide housing stabilization. OHCS delivers these programs primarily through grants, contracts, and loan agreements with local partners and community-based providers. For more information, please visit: oregon.gov/ohcs.


Media Contact
Delia Hernandez
Public Information Officer
Public Affairs



    Oregon Housing and Community Services   |  Newsroom