Oregon Department of Emergency Management
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Beat the heat and prevent wildfires this weekend
As the ongoing heat event continues through this weekend, the Oregon Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is reminding the public that heat-related illness is a serious threat, especially for elderly, youth, and those without air conditioning in addition to those working or exercising outdoors. Furthermore, fires have the potential to rapidly spread due to the combination of hot, dry and windy conditions. The National Weather Service predicts that east winds will increase today particularly through the Western Columbia River Gorge, north Willamette Valley and Clark County, and Coast Range of Northwest Oregon. “According to the National Weather Service heat is one of the leading weather related killers in the United States, resulting in hundreds of fatalities each year and even more heat related injuries, so we want people stay safe by being aware of conditions and surroundings” said Andrew Phelps, OEM director. “It is very important to check on neighbors and family members who may be susceptible to problems with extreme heat, and make sure outdoor pets have plenty of water and shade.” Here are some helpful tips for heat safety and to prevent wildfires: Heat Safety: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/os/heat/ Wildfires: https://www.ready.gov/wildfires


    Oregon Department of Emergency Management   |  Newsroom