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Department of Veterans' Affairs
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Expo aims to connect veterans with valuable resources in central Oregon
Free event will feature over 75 booths, live entertainment, military displays and more
One of the largest veteran resource events in the state will be held in central Oregon next month, when the Veteran Benefit Expo kicks off at 10 a.m. July 15 at the Deschutes Fair & Expo Center in Redmond. With over 75 booths featuring state and federal service providers, non-profit agencies, employers and other local partners, this free event promises to bring together the best benefits, resources and programs Oregon has to offer veterans and their families. The annual Expo is organized by the Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs and is hosted in different locations throughout the state. “The Expo is a celebration of and a thank you to the Oregon veteran community, and we really look forward to it every year,” said ODVA Director Cameron Smith. “We hope to connect hundreds of veterans with the valuable resources and benefits they’ve earned at this fun, family-friendly event.” The Expo offers resources from many different benefit areas, including health care, claims assistance, finance, home loans, long-term care, mental health, education, business and recreation. The event will also include a Veteran Career Fair and Veteran Trade Show, showcasing veteran-owned businesses and entrepreneurs. Thanks to the generous support of sponsors, this year’s Expo will feature live entertainment throughout the day, with a lineup of the DD214s, Got Your Six, the Silverado Quartet and comedian Juan Canopii. There will also be military displays, a food tent, a kids’ area and plenty of other activities. Space is limited, but there are still openings for government or non-profit service providers who would like to participate in the Expo, or for employers interested in the career fair. Please contact Tyler Francke at 503-373-2389 or tyler.francke@state.or.us for more information. For more information about the Expo, visit www.expo.oregondva.com. Media contact: Nicole Hoeft, nicole.hoeft@state.or.us, 503-373-2386.

    Department of Veterans' Affairs   |  Newsroom