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Oregon households in certain counties who receive SNAP and had food destroyed due to wildfires have extra time to request replacement food benefits

Oregonians who lost food purchased with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits due to the recent wildfires are encouraged to request replacement benefits from the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS).

Households who receive SNAP and live in the following counties now have until Aug. 16 to request replacement SNAP benefits for food that was spoiled or destroyed due to wildfires:

  • Baker
  • Linn
  • Malheur
  • Umatilla

Households who receive SNAP and live in the following counties now have until Aug. 21 to request replacement SNAP benefits for food that was spoiled or destroyed due to wildfires:

  • Crook
  • Grant
  • Gilliam
  • Harney
  • Hood River
  • Morrow
  • Wasco
  • Wheeler

Households who live outside of these counties must request replacement benefits within 10 days of the loss.

Households who disposed of food bought with SNAP benefits that was destroyed due to these events can request that replacement benefits be issued for the cost of the lost food. The maximum amount of SNAP that can be replaced is the value of the food up to the normal monthly benefit for the household.

Households should be prepared to provide a list of the lost food, the cost to replace it, and may have to provide proof of the event that destroyed the food.

Detailed instructions and the request form can be found online at https://www.oregon.gov/odhs/food/pages/snap-replacement.aspx#disaster.

You can also request replacement benefits by:

Resources to help meet basic needs

  • Find a food pantry: foodfinder.oregonfoodbank.org
  • Learn about government programs and community resources for older adults and people with disabilities: Aging and Disability Resource Connection of Oregon at 1-855-673-2372 or adrcoforegon.org.
  • Dial 2-1-1, or text your zip code to 898-211, 211info.org
Administered by ODHS, SNAP is a federal program that provides food assistance to approximately 1 million eligible, low-income families and individuals in Oregon, including many older adults and people with disabilities. Oregonians in need can apply for benefits, including SNAP, child care, cash assistance and Medicaid. Learn more at benefits.oregon.gov. For local resources in your area, such as food or shelter, please call 2-1-1 or reach out to the state’s Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) at 1-855-ORE-ADRC or 1-855-673-2372.


Media contacts
Jake Sunderland
Oregon Department of Human Services

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