Oregon has received approval from the U.S Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) to extend the 10 day deadline for households to report food losses and request replacement benefits from the February 24, 2025, storm. The waiver allows 30 days to report food losses for households affected by the storm.
New deadline for SNAP replacement benefits
Households in the approved counties now have until March 26, 2025, to report food losses and ask for replacement benefits.
Approved counties for the waiver:
People in the following counties can request SNAP replacement benefits by March 26, 2025:
- Benton
- Clackamas
- Clatsop
- Coos
- Deschutes
- Douglas
- Hood River
- Jackson
- Josephine
- Klamath
- Lane
- Lincoln
- Linn
- Marion
- Multnomah
- Polk
- Tillamook
- Washington
What about other counties?
If you live in a county not listed above, the regular 10 day rule applies. You must report food loss within 10 days and provide proof.
How to request SNAP replacement benefits:
You can submit a request to replace the SNAP benefits over the phone, in person, by email, by mail or your ONE online portal:
- Over the phone: 1-800-699-9075 or 711 (TTY)
- In person: (find a local office): https://www.oregon.gov/odhs/pages/office-finder.aspx
- Mail: (must be received by the due date) ONE Customer Service Center, PO Box 14015 Salem, OR 97309
- Email: Oregon.Benefits@odhsoha.oregon.gov
The information required to replace the SNAP benefits may be found here: https://sharedsystems.dhsoha.state.or.us/DHSForms/Served/de0349d.pdf
When does the waiver end?
The waiver to extend the reporting deadline will last until March 26, 2025. After that, requests for replacement will follow the normal 10 day rule.
About SNAP
SNAP helps low income households buy food. If you qualify, you get benefits that can be used to buy groceries at authorized stores. For more information or to request SNAP replacement benefits, contact your local office or visit the Oregon SNAP benefit website or call 800-699-9075.
Oregon Department of Human Services