Winter Weather Safety for Livestock and Pets
Cold winter weather can be dangerous for livestock or pets that are outdoors. Preparing and creating a plan for your livestock or outdoor pets can help prevent hypothermia.
- Ensure your animals have access to water that is not frozen, abundant and accessible feed, and shelter from cold wind and ice/snow.
- Winterizing your fencing and buildings can prevent damages to your property and animals' shelter.
- Creating a plan for power loss to ensure you and your animals' safety is a proactive step in the event of a severe winter storm.
- Other considerations for livestock in severe cold weather can be found here.
Keeping your pets safe from winter weather is important for their wellbeing. Bringing pets indoors and sheltered from extreme cold temperatures will help keep them safe and warm.
- Preparing a pet emergency kit that includes food, water, and any medications they may need for at least 5 days is a good way to prepare in case of a power outage.
- It is also important to protect your pets’ paws from salt or other chemicals that are used to melt snow that is not pet safe, along with antifreeze which is a deadly poison.
- Read more winter weather pet safety tips from the Red Cross and the Oregon Veterinary Medical Association.