Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek has appointed Kirk Maag, an environmental and natural resources partner at Stoel Rives law firm, to the Oregon State Board of Agriculture. Maag’s appointment is effective immediately. He will serve a four-year term with an option to reapply for a second term.
“It is an honor to be appointed to serve on the Board of Agriculture. The Board’s vision of cultivating ‘a resilient tomorrow for generations to come’ resonates with me, and is a guiding principle I have applied to both my legal career and civic engagement,” said Maag. “I am grateful for the opportunity to continue serving our state’s agricultural community and creating a positive impact for our future. I am excited to serve alongside many distinguished industry peers.”
Maag is an active member of Oregon’s agriculture community, with deep, personal roots that connect him to it. He grew up working on his family’s farm and feedlot in rural eastern Oregon. He was recently selected as the 2024 Alumni Fellow for the College of Agricultural Science by the Oregon State University Alumni Association based on his commitment to cultivating community in the next generation of agribusiness and forest products industry leaders. The OSU College of Agricultural Sciences also recognized Maag as its 2024 Alumni Luminary—an award given to an individual who has made early career and community contributions that identify the recipient as a future leader.
The Governor is responsible for appointing all Board of Agriculture members. The Oregon State Board of Agriculture is a 10-member board that advises the Oregon Department of Agriculture on policy issues, develops recommendations on key agricultural issues, and advocates for the state’s agriculture industry in general. The Board is established by Oregon Revised Statute 561.372.
For more information about the Oregon State Board of Agriculture, its members, and vision, visit www.oregon.gov/oda/about-us/pages/board-agriculture.aspx.
El Gobernador de Oregón nombra a un nuevo miembro de la Junta Estatal de Agricultura de Oregón
La Gobernadora de Oregón, Tina Kotek, ha nombrado a Kirk Maag, socio del bufete de abogados Stoel Rives especializado en medio ambiente y recursos naturales, miembro de la Junta Estatal de Agricultura de Oregón. El nombramiento de Maag es efectivo inmediatamente. Su mandato será de cuatro años, con opción a un segundo mandato.
"Es un honor ser nombrado miembro de la Junta de Agricultura. La visión de la Junta de cultivar “un mañana resiliente para las generaciones venideras” resuena conmigo, y es un principio rector que he aplicado tanto a mi carrera jurídica como a mi compromiso cívico", dijo Maag. "Estoy agradecido por la oportunidad de seguir sirviendo a la comunidad agrícola de nuestro estado y crear un impacto positivo para nuestro futuro. Estoy emocionado de servir junto a muchos distinguidos compañeros de la industria ".
Maag es un miembro activo de la comunidad agrícola de Oregón, con profundas raíces personales que le unen a ella. Creció trabajando en la granja y el corral de engorde de su familia en la zona rural del este de Oregón. Recientemente ha sido seleccionado por la Asociación de Antiguos Alumnos de la Universidad Estatal de Oregón como Alumni Fellow 2024 de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias por su compromiso con el cultivo de la comunidad en la próxima generación de líderes de la industria agroalimentaria y de productos forestales. La Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas de la OSU también reconoció a Maag como su Alumni Luminary 2024, un premio otorgado a una persona que ha hecho contribuciones tempranas a su carrera y a la comunidad que identifican al destinatario como un futuro líder.
The Governor is responsible for appointing all Board of Agriculture members. The Oregon State Board of Agriculture is a 10-member board that advises the Oregon Department of Agriculture on policy issues, develops recommendations on key agricultural issues, and advocates for the state’s agriculture industry in general. The Board is established by Oregon Revised Statute 561.372.
For more information about the Oregon State Board of Agriculture, its members, and vision, visit www.oregon.gov/oda/about-us/pa....