CORRECTED New Tsunami Evacuation Analyses for Clatsop County Released
The press release published by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries on March 17, 2022, CORRECTED New Tsunami Evacuation Analyses for Clatsop County Released, contained errors in multiple website links. The complete corrected release follows.
The press release published by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries on March 11, 2022, New Tsunami Evacuation Analyses for Clatsop County Released, contained an incorrect link to the Android version of the Tsunami Evacuation smartphone app. The complete corrected release follows.
March 11, 2022 marks the 11th anniversary of the 2011 T?hoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan, and is a reminder of the need for tsunami awareness at the Oregon Coast.
Portland, OR— The Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) has released two new Tsunami evacuation modeling reports covering Astoria, Cannon Beach, Arch Cape, and Falcon Cove in coastal Clatsop County. The reports are part of the Beat the Wave series of publications and complete the evacuation modeling for Clatsop County. Beat the Wave reports provide information about tsunami wave arrival times, evacuation routes, and minimum evacuation speeds that pedestrians must use to reach safety in the event of a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. Beat the Wave reports and maps for coastal communities can be found at:
A tsunami caused by an earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone could impact coastal communities in as little as 10 - 20 minutes, so moving to higher ground quickly is essential. In some cases, the only warning that a tsunami is imminent will be the shaking caused by the earthquake. The shaking may damage roads, bridges, and other routes residents and visitors might use to get to safety so the best way to evacuate will be on foot.
“Knowing about and practicing evacuation for locations in the tsunami zone where you live, work or play are critical for keeping you and your loved ones safe in a Cascadia event,” says Laura Gabel, Coastal Geologist with DOGAMI. “These reports and ‘Beat the Wave’ evacuation brochures are of great importance for assisting emergency managers, community leaders and the public prepare for Cascadia”.
In coastal towns like Astoria and Cannon Beach, many homes, businesses, and tourist attractions are located in tsunami inundation zones, making it very important for community members and visitors to familiarize themselves with evacuation routes. With the lifting of pandemic-related restrictions, tourism on the Oregon coast will likely increase in the coming months and it is important to ensure that visitors and residents have the information they need to prepare for a possible tsunami.
In addition to the Beat the Wave reports, DOGAMI also provides numerous other tools that can be used by coastal residents and visitors to prepare for a possible Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake and tsunami.
The Oregon Tsunami Clearinghouse contains a wealth of information for use by community members, visitors, boaters, kids & teachers, community planners, and scientists for tsunami emergency planning:
DOGAMI, in partnership with the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS), has created a smartphone app that allows users to visualize tsunami inundation zones and identify evacuation routes. The app is available for both IOS and Android devices.
• IOS:
• Android:
The Tsunami Evacuation Zones viewer, an interactive mapping tool that allows users to see inundation zones and evacuation routes, can be found at:
Beat the Wave evacuation brochures for many other locations on the Oregon Coast can be found at:
The Tsunami Clearinghouse Resource Library provides information and tools to help community members and visitors prepare for a tsunami and is available at:
Alex Lopez, Public Affairs Coordinator
Office: (971) 673-1535 | Cell: (971) 940-5400