Oregon state agencies encourage medium- and heavy-duty vehicle owners to prepare early for diesel retrofit compliance
“Get Ready!” is the message the Department of Environmental Quality, and the Oregon Department of Transportation’s Driver & Motor Vehicle Services Division and Commerce and Compliance Division want to convey to motor carriers and owners of certain diesel-powered vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 14,000 lbs. DEQ’s new Diesel Retrofit Compliance Program provides an option to renew vehicle registration if the vehicle is subject to the Jan. 1, 2023 registration renewal phase-out. Preparing now will allow time for motor carriers and diesel-powered vehicle owners to get equipment evaluated and access the approved retrofit technology.
In 2019, the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 2007 to help reduce pollution on the state’s roadways and protect the health of our most vulnerable populations. It states that beginning in 2023, medium- and heavy-duty vehicles powered by a 1996 or older diesel engine and with an owner address in Clackamas, Multnomah and/or Washington counties may not renew registrations unless they are equipped with approved retrofit technology and certified by DEQ.
“The transportation sector is responsible for a significant portion of air pollution in Oregon and older diesel trucks emit ten or more times the pollution of newer engines. With that in mind, we believe the Diesel Retrofit Compliance Program helps to address the many trucks producing harmful emissions as they conduct business throughout the Portland Metro area and across the state,” said DEQ’s Air Quality Division Administrator Ali Mirzakhalili. “We are asking fleet owners and motor carriers to investigate the new rules now, so they can prepare for the changes to come.”
The two vehicle weight classifications categorized in HB 2007 are as follows:
- Medium-duty: A gross vehicle weight rating of 14,001 – 26,000 lbs., such as certain box trucks, flatbed or service trucks and others.
- Heavy-duty: A gross vehicle weight rating of over 26,000 lbs., such as dump trucks, cement trucks, tractor-trailers and others.
DEQ maintains a list of On Road Manufacturer Authorized Installers that can provide consultation to help vehicle owners determine which approved retrofit technology to consider. The agency recommends checking with an Approved Retrofit Installer as soon as possible to ensure the availability and timely installation of the applicable technology. In addition, DEQ offers annual Diesel Emissions Mitigation Grants to address emissions from a wide array of diesel equipment operating in Oregon. The 2022 grant application process will open in April and owners of qualified medium- and heavy-duty trucks are invited to apply for funding to support the installation of diesel particulate filters.
Exemptions to the Diesel Retrofit Compliance Program include:
- Farm vehicles, as defined by ORS 805.300;
- Farm tractors;
- Implements of husbandry;
- Vehicles used exclusively as a training vehicle;
- An emergency vehicle;
- An ambulance;
- Vehicles used primarily to transport logs, as defined in ORS 801.355;
- Heavy-duty trucks operated for 5,000 miles or fewer on Oregon state highways during one calendar year; or
- Carriers with a fleet size of five or fewer heavy-duty trucks
Those with questions about registrations or exemptions of medium-duty vehicles should contact Oregon Driver & Motor Vehicle Services Division at 503-945-5000. Questions about heavy-duty vehicle registrations or exemptions should go to the ODOT - Commerce and Compliance Division at CCDHB2007Inquiries@odot.state.or.us or 503-378-6699.
For more details on the Diesel Retrofit Compliance Program, visit DEQ’s web page.
About the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
The Department of Environmental Quality protects human health and the environment by controlling air and water pollution, reducing the impacts of manufactured products and cleaning up contaminated properties. DEQ engages the public in decision-making and helps communities solve problems in ways that are economically and environmentally sustainable.
About the Oregon Driver & Motor Vehicle Services Division
The Driver & Motor Vehicle Services Division promotes transportation safety, protects financial and ownership interests in vehicles, provides driver licenses and identification cards for Oregon residents and collects revenues for Oregon’s highway system. DMV contributes to public safety by licensing only qualified persons and vehicles to drive on Oregon roads, and issues titles to protect the financial and ownership interests in vehicles. Make sure you are Real ID ready at Oregon.gov/RealID.
About the ODOT - Commerce and Compliance Division
At ODOT - Commerce and Compliance Division, we seek to promote a safe, efficient and responsible commercial transportation industry by simplifying compliance, preserving the infrastructure and delivering superior customer service. We are continually developing innovative strategies to simplify regulatory processes and improve the way we do business in our state. We ensure the safety of all users on the transportation system, from the highways to railways.
Media Contacts:
- Oregon DEQ: Susan C. Mills, public affairs specialist, Susan.Mills@deq.oregon.gov, 503-956-9648
- Oregon Driver & Motor Vehicle Services Division: David House, public information officer, David.J.House@odot.oregon.gov, 503-945-5270
- ODOT - Commerce and Compliance Division: Tom Strandberg, CCD public information officer, thomas.m.strandberg@odot.oregon.gov, 541-663-6261