MEDIA ADVISORY: Oregon Applied Sustainability Experience launches its third year with businesses and interns
An excellent opportunity to celebrate local businesses and students working together to find sustainable solutions to reducing waste and pollution.
WHAT: The Oregon Applied Sustainability Experience, a collaboration between the Department of Environmental Quality and Oregon Sea Grant, places talented students in paid internships with Oregon businesses to reduce waste, prevent pollution and increase efficiency at no cost to the businesses. OASE will launch its third summer of internships with a meet & greet among student interns and the local businesses with which they will be working this summer.
WHY: Innovative pollution prevention projects continue to be vital for businesses seeking to reduce their environmental impacts. With support from EPA’s Pollution Prevention grant funding, DEQ and Oregon Sea Grant have developed the Oregon Applied Sustainability Experience, a statewide internship program that connects students with businesses to research and create pioneering, non-regulatory solutions to environmental problems, while fostering economic growth and workforce development.
WHEN: Thurs., May 30, 2019, 4 – 6 p.m.
WHERE: Center for Architecture Portland (AIA Portland)
403 NW 11th Ave.
Portland, OR 97209
Welcoming Remarks: Shelby Walker, Ph.D., director, Oregon Sea Grant
Introduction of 2019 Cohort: Lisa Cox, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
2019 OASE Host Businesses and Interns:
• Antfarm - Angelique Brown, Portland State University
• East West Tea Company - Nuchwara Youngcharo, University of Oregon
• Grand Central Bakery - Maya Hurst, University of Portland
• Green Hammer - Olivia Bain, University of Oregon
• RiverBend Materials - Anna Burton, Oregon State University
• Stanley Infrastructure - Jack Hobbs, Oregon State University
• Stumptown Coffee Roasters - Lara Andenoro, Portland State University
Additional information about host business projects is available at
LIVE MUSIC: Mark Gutierrez, Portland musician
Oregon Sea Grant:
EPA Pollution Prevention Grant:
MEDIA CONTACT: Susan C. Mills, 503-956-9648,