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DEQ issues 14 penalties in October for environmental violations

Statewide, Ore.— The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality issued 14 penalties totaling $266,787 in October for various environmental violations. A detailed list of violations and resulting penalties is at https://ordeq.org/enforcement.

Fines ranged from $1,500 to $54,200. Alleged violations included a contractor that conducted three asbestos abatement projects without being licensed by DEQ, a fuel terminal that treated hazardous waste without a permit and two cities that discharged non-disinfected wastewater to waterways.

DEQ issued civil penalties to the following organizations:

  • Alpha Environmental Services, Inc., Beaverton, $54,200, asbestos
  • Bhullar & Bhullar, LLC, Fairview, 1,500, air quality
  • City of Amity, Amity, $17,977, water quality
  • City of Chiloquin, Chiloquin, $3,000, water quality
  • City of Portland, Lake Oswego, $12,600, water quality
  • City of Woodburn, Woodburn, $5,600, water quality
  • Coastal Housing Solutions, LLC, Garibaldi, $11,281, water quality
  • Industrial Piping & Welding, LLC, Huntington, $23,600, asbestos
  • Kinder Morgan Liquid Terminals, LLC, Portland, $24,000, hazardous waste
  • Marathon Pipe Line, LLC, Adams, $39,853, asbestos
  • Petra Design Build, LLC, Hillsboro, $33,600, asbestos
  • Petroleum Energy Products, Inc., Willamina, $3,420, underground storage tanks
  • Prologis-Exchange 6400 SE 101st, LLC, Portland, $28,956, water quality
  • South Suburban Sanitary District, Klamath Falls, $7,200, water quality

Recipients of DEQ civil penalties must either pay the fines to the state treasury or file an appeal within 20 days of receiving notice of the penalty. They may be able to offset a portion of a penalty by funding a supplemental environmental project that improves Oregon’s environment. Learn more about these projects at https://ordeq.org/sep.

Penalties may also include orders requiring specific tasks to prevent ongoing violations or additional environmental harm.

DEQ works with thousands of organizations and individuals to help them comply with laws that protect Oregon’s air, land and water. DEQ uses education, technical assistance, warnings and penalties to change behavior and deter future violations.

Media contact: Michael Loch, public affairs specialist, 503-737-9435, michael.loch@deq.oregon.gov



DEQ Communications and Outreach
Michael Loch
Public Affairs
Northwest Region: Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Multnomah, Tillamook, and Washington counties

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