DEQ expands Repair and Reuse grant program for small businesses in light of COVID-19 outbreak
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has expanded a grant program to help small repair and reuse businesses as part of the department’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
“I'm excited that DEQ can provide opportunities to support workforce development in communities throughout Oregon, especially during our current economic crisis,” said Lydia Emer, land quality administrator for DEQ.
DEQ’s Workforce Development Repair and Reuse grants provide up to $10,000 for a small business, tribal business or nonprofit organization, or other nonprofits focused on repair and reuse. Eligible Oregon businesses and nonprofits repair, salvage, refurbish or resell common consumer goods such as clothing, electronics and furniture. DEQ defines “reuse” as the return of a commodity into the economic stream for use in the same kind of application as originally intended. Past grantees include Salvage Works, a Portland company that reclaims wood; The Renewal Workshop, a Cascade Locks company that mends small defects in returned clothes; and the Toolbox Project, a nonprofit organization in Eugene that loans tools to members. This year DEQ will award up to $120,000 in grants throughout Oregon.
The deadline to apply is June 5 to apply. DEQ has broadened eligible costs covered through the Repair and Reuse program to include employee retention.
A pair of webinars will take place this month, during which DEQ will answer questions from potential applicants. A general public webinar is set for 10 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday, April 21, and an Oregon Tribes webinar will take place from 10 to 11 a.m. Tuesday, April 28.
For webinar details or to find grant application forms and instructions, go to
Larger photos available upon request.
Media contact: Dylan Darling, DEQ public affairs specialist, 541-686-7997,
Applicants contact: Marie Diodati at 503-229-5446 or