Oregon OSHA offers Spanish-language online training for ladder safety
Oregon OSHA has launched a free Spanish-language online training course to help employers and workers understand and practice ladder safety.
The course, which features many video demonstrations, walks viewers through everything from the types and dangers of ladders to regulatory standards and safe practices.
“It takes solid planning and training to address the life-threatening hazards that come with using ladders while on the job,” said Roy Kroker, consultation and public education manager for Oregon OSHA. “But language barriers can pose challenges to tackling such hazards. That is why we’re offering this new tool to help break down those barriers.”
The course includes interviews with Oregon OSHA and industry experts who discuss a variety of ladder safety issues. Those issues include choosing the right type of ladder for the job; heeding the ladder manufacturer’s instructions; addressing the common hazards associated with using ladders; and following ladder safety rules.
In fact, ladder use was the seventh-most cited Oregon OSHA standard in 2019, with 135 total violations and initial penalties totaling $105,615. The standard covers multiple requirements, including that side rails must extend at least three feet above an upper landing surface; ladders must be maintained free of slipping hazards; and they must be periodically inspected for visible defects.
The Spanish-language ladder safety training course includes https://osha.oregon.gov/edu/courses/espanol/Pages/ladder-safety-sp.aspx the opportunity to receive a certificate of completion. Visit more Spanish-language courses: https://osha.oregon.gov/edu/courses/espanol/Pages/default.aspx Learn about the PESO program: https://osha.oregon.gov/edu/peso/Pages/default.aspx Learn about Oregon OSHA’s education and training services: https://osha.oregon.gov/edu/Pages/index.aspx
Oregon OSHA, a division of the Department of Consumer and Business Services, enforces the state’s workplace safety and health rules and works to improve workplace safety and health for all Oregon workers. For more information, visit osha.oregon.gov
The Department of Consumer and Business Services is Oregon’s largest business regulatory and consumer protection agency. For more information, go to www.dcbs.oregon.gov
Contact information:
Aaron Corvin, public information officer
971-718-6973 (cell)