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State of Oregon Chief Data Officer Recognized as Leading Data Executive by Chief Data Officer Magazine
Kathryn Darnall Helms named to State and Local Leading Data Executives List 2022 by CDO Magazine
Oregon Enterprise Information Services announced Oregon’s Chief Data Officer, Kathryn Darnall Helms, was named to Chief Data Officer (CDO) Magazine’s State and Local Leading Data Executives List 2022. CDO Magazine is dedicated to recognizing the efforts of data, analytics and digital leaders in transforming the world for the better, giving special distinction to data executives in the public sector for their commitment and contribution to implementing data strategies that impact the effective governance and growth of their regions. Darnall Helms is among 41 executives CDO Magazine recognized as outstanding state and local data executives in the United States who take the lead in pursuing collaborative, data-driven innovations that benefit the public. The Chief Data Officer, appointed by the State Chief Information Officer, oversees the Enterprise Information Services Data Governance and Transparency program which includes responsibility for a central web portal and open data standard. State Chief Information Officer Terrence Woods said, “Kathryn is a driving force and her talent and contributions to the state of Oregon warrant this recognition.” “What an honor to be named to this list alongside other state and local government leaders,” stated Darnall Helms. “As Chief Data Officer, my role is focused on engagement with agencies in supporting their own strategic growth with data. This recognition is truly a recognition of the hard work Oregon state agencies have invested into leveraging data as a strategic asset and in growing Oregon as a data-driven government.” Darnall Helms joined Enterprise Information Services in January 2019 and published Oregon’s first Data Strategy in 2021. Media Contact: Shirlene A Gonzalez shirlene.a.gonzalez@das.oregon.gov 971-803-1766 Links: • Shirlene A Gonzalez Email: shirlene.a.gonzalez@das.oregon.gov • CDO Magazine 2022 List of State and Local Leading Data Executives: https://www.cdomagazine.tech/cdo_magazine/nominations_and_lists/state_and_local_2022/ • CDO Magazine website: https://www.cdomagazine.tech • Enterprise Information Services Data Governance and Transparency website: https://www.oregon.gov/das/OSCIO/Pages/DataStrategy.aspx • Central Web Portal: https://data.oregon.gov/ • Open Data Standard: https://data.oregon.gov/Administrative/Oregon-s-Open-Data-Standard/ewk6-d856 • Enterprise Information Services: https://www.oregon.gov/das/OSCIO/Pages/Index.aspx • Oregon’s Data Strategy: https://www.oregon.gov/das/OSCIO/Documents/68230_DAS_EIS_DataStrategy_2021_v2.pdf ###

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