State Interoperability Executive Council to meet
The State Interoperability Executive Council (SIEC) will meet Tuesday, June 23, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m., via teleconference. The meeting is open to the public and comments will be taken from members of the public attending the teleconference.
The SIEC was created under the State Chief Information Officer to be the statewide interoperability governing body and to serve as the primary steering group for the Oregon Statewide Interoperability Communications Plan (SCIP). The SIEC’s mission is to develop and maintain the SCIP, develop recommendations and guidelines for policy, identify technology and standards, and coordinate intergovernmental resources to facilitate statewide public safety communications interoperability.
The agenda and handouts are posted on the council’s website. Instructions for those who wish to attend over the phone are outlined in the meeting agenda.