Your donations help all Oregonians who are print-disabled enjoy a top-notch library with a wide variety of reading materials.
If you wish to donate using your credit or debit card, simply indicate your reason for donating and the amount you wish to give below. You will then be redirected to our secure site to enter your information. If you have any questions, please contact our Donations Coordinator at 503-378-5014 or
*Disclaimer: We very much appreciate donations given by registered users who are grateful for receiving the yearly large print calendars we send out, but we no longer have large print calendars available for purchase. Only registered Talking Book and Braille Library users are now eligible to receive a calendar from our library. We will not be able to honor any calendar order even if a donation is made.
To ensure a successful transaction, the billing address you enter must match the billing address associated with the credit or debit card. If using a debit card, just enter your information in the same way you would with a credit card.
If you wish to send a check, please make it payable to:
State Library of Oregon - Talking Books
250 Winter St NE
Salem, OR 97301, USA
Planned Giving
For more information about making a legacy donation to Talking Books as part of your estate planning, please visit our planned giving webpage or contact our Planned Giving Coordinator at 503-378-5014 or

Talking Book & Braille Library
State Library of Oregon
250 Winter St NE
Salem, OR 97301 USA
Toll-Free: 800-452-0292 (in state)
Phone: 503-378-5389