
The OLCC is launching a new marijuana licensing system on March 18, 2024.  To apply for a new marijuana license, manage existing licenses, or manage packaging and labelling, please visit the new website:  https://camp.olcc.online.  Online access will not be available from March 14, 2024 until March 18, 2024.
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  • New Users

    Going to work for a marijuana business?

    Please register for an account to apply for your OLCC Marijuana Worker Permit. Remember! Before you register and apply, you need to complete your Marijuana Permit Exam.

    The date and time of registration does not affect the order in which permits are issued.

    Please note: Registration is not intended for individuals wishing to enter the medical marijuana program. Registering does not give you the ability to buy marijuana from this website.

Have question or need assistance? Contact OLCC at:

Worker permits: marijuana.workerpermit@oregon.gov 503-872-5130