Your Information
Missing Wage Information
List a date range, for example 01/02/2020 - 01/10/2020
Employer Information
Pursuant to the state’s Public Records Law, the wage claim form is a public record which may be made available to a member of the public upon request. However, to the extent permitted by the law, BOLI will not disclose the claimant’s residential address, personal telephone numbers, and personal email address if you request that this information remain confidential.
Assignment of Wages
In order for BOLI to pursue your wage security fund claim, you must "assign" the wages owed to us to investigate on your behalf.
I hereby assign in trust, to the Labor Commissioner of the State of Oregon, all wages, whether penalty or otherwise, due me from my previous employer, or any other persons legally responsible for the payment of my wages, along with any lien rights associated with such wages. I authorize the Labor Commissioner to file a priority proof of claim for those wages in any bankruptcy proceeding, and agree that any distribution on such claim will go first to the Labor Commissioner.
By this statement, I authorize the Labor Commissioner to equitably adjust and compromise the amount of wages, whether penalty or otherwise, due me from my previous employer or other persons legally responsible for the payment of my wages.
I acknowledge that the information I submit with this form may be used to determine my eligibility to receive benefits from the State of Oregon Wage Security Fund, and I state that this information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I agree to immediately inform the Labor Commissioner if I obtain any payment from the employer or any third party for the wages claimed herein. And I agree to reimburse the Labor Commissioner in the amount of any wages I so obtain, but I need not reimburse the Labor Commissioner from wages or payments I obtain that are not the wages—whether penalty or otherwise—for which the Labor Commissioner is making payment to me from the Wage Security Fund. I agree to cooperate with the Labor Commissioner in any attempts he makes to recover moneys paid on my behalf from the Wage Security Fund, including but not limited to executing documents, such as lien claims, and providing truthful testimony associated with any legal proceeding.